Sunday, May 31, 2009

5/24/2009 Freedom Green: East Providence Ten Mile River and Omega Pond

The day after our hike at Ben-Utter, we decided to take out Tracy's kayaks. They are Tracy's because she bought them and through her generosity lets Eric ride in them as well and he is eternally grateful.
Freedom Green can be accessed from the park at Center and West Broadway in East Providence. It is smack dab in the middle of the metropolitan area, but once on the river it seems secluded once you get past the houses that abut the water.

The first picture is my obligatory photo of the vehicle that takes us to our destination. This is Tracy's Rav4 with tires that are 2cm over the stock size. Eric thinks that they really add to the appearance of the car and Tracy doesn't care.
These first pics are small because Eric experimented with the size. He won't be doing any small pics again, but doesn't feel like re-uploading them. Also, on Eric's computer, when he clicks the pics, they are gargantuan. He doesn't know how to solve this and apologies if this is the case for our vast readership.

This next pic is where the woods part for access to the boatlaunch.

You are probably waiting for us to get to the pictures and description of the trip. We decided to head downriver first towards Omega Pond. It looked close on the map. The river's current was mild and moved slowly towards the pond.

Right before we entered Omega Pond, we just had to kayak underneath this broken down bridge.

Tracy with the pond in the background.

And here is Eric cheezin'.

Little did we know that just meters behind us was a momma swan sitting in her nest. Once we saw her we very carefully moved away while Eric snapped off some pics.

We then headed upstream. The current mild and not challenging, making for the beginning of a nice, relaxing day kayaking on the river.

We came upon a portage about 30 to 45 minutes into the trip. It looked like trees had fallen across the river blocking our path.

Of course, Eric had to snap some pics of Tracy hauling her boat out of the water.

And back on our way upriver.

We reached the end of our tour when we hit the rapids. We briefly attempted to kayak up them, but decided against it. We are not that good yet.

We got out and walked around. Apparently, we stumbled upon some historical site.
The John Hunt House.

After walking around a bit and interrupting some teens having some 'alone' time, we turned the boats around and backtracked down stream. The next few shots are just random fun-pics.

These next shots are an action sequence of Eric getting back into the boat after re-crossing the portage. Cheesy? Yes. This portage was not very far. Maybe 20 feet.


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