Friday, January 9, 2009

George Washington Memorial Park: Eric

Eric: So, being unemployed for a almost a year now with a useless doctorate certainly has its drawbacks and its perks. Drawbacks: No money, reliance on wife for everything, and you can only look at Jeeps on Craiglist for so long or play DDO so much. Pros: Get to look at Jeeps and play DDO; also, I can go hiking when I get stir crazy.

The temperature on the Suzuki's display read a chilly 22 degrees. I decided to forgo the blue ski jacket for a layer of thermals under my jeans, and three layers of good, solid, warm clothes under my trusty burnt orange jacket I got for clearance at a discount store: Gordman's I think. I do remember it was nine bucks. Also, I had to put on the orange vest so no hunter with a lack of fire control mistakes me for a goblin or an aardvark.

George Washington Park is my standby place to go if I am bored and need to just get outside. The trails are well marked and there is very little chance at getting lost. There are three trails: a 2 mile blue, 6 mile orange, and 8 mile red. I could be off a bit since they removed the sign that I normally look at before I go hiking.

I decided to bring one of the cameras that we left on the table for our wedding. Unfortunately, it was all messed up. Although it said I had only fifteen photos left, none of the wedding photos showed up and a couple shots that I took today did not appear either. Anyway, here they are.

Above: My trusty Grand Vitara that lost half of its value in the first year. I swear, unless I win the lottery I am never buying new again.
Below: Rocks sticking out of the frozen lake.

Below: This is an area of the woods that had a hole in the canopy so the sun could melt the snow on the ground.

This is the end of the trail towards the icy parking area.

Above: Some sort of latch mechanism for a dam.
Below: Oops, I fell down on the ice.

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